Openings for after school times. These openings won't last long. Send me a text or e-mail and we can begin the process.
Learning Difficulties
Some common symptoms of learning difficulties include:​
Dislikes to read
Dislikes to write
Difficulty completing homework​
Impulsive, poor planning
Difficulty hearing the sounds in words
Confuses similar words
Confuses math symbols
Difficulty memorizing facts
Poor pencil grip and penmanship

An Alternative Plan
Non-Tutorial: learning skills, not specific content
Individual: one on one skilled cognitive mediation
Integrative: stimulating both perceptual and academic skills
All-Age Inclusive: Enhancing thinking for students at all ages of life beginning with third grade
Intervention: On average, students require three years of intervention, though some may require more or less depending on their specific learning needs.
NILD. The Parent's Guide. Chesapeake, VA: NILD